Sunday, November 27, 2011

IM+ messenger accounts migration in Android

I have got a nice HTC-Desire smartphone recently. After 6 months playing with it, I desided to change the firmware, i used the famous ruHD-rom, with ext-partition on SD card useing the "unrevoked" toolset. Next, i used "Revolutionary" to S-OFF, and now i can do whatever i want with my phone.

CAUTION: use "rooting" and "S-OFF" only if you know what you DO !!!

Now, a small example, where having a "rooted" phone helps:

Recently, i used IM+ lite multiprotocol messenger, which proved to be the best of its kind. (maybe U-talk can compare...) I liked it, so i decided to by the "advanced" IM+ pro -- it's worth it's money.

The only dissapointment was that IM+ lite and IM+ pro are two different applications, so non of the contacts from IM+ lite got imported into IM+ pro. I was too lazy to manually re-enter all accounts from all IMs, so i looked for a option to "migrate", and here it is (tried on IM+ version 5.0.2):

Task: How to import account settings from IM+ lite (aka implusfree) into IM+ pro (aka implusfull).

Prerequisites: rooted device, your favorite file manager in "root mode" (like ES File Explorer), IM+ lite and IM+ pro installed.


  • Close IM+ and IM+ pro. Make sure they are not running (use your favorite task manager)
  • Make have you file explorer into "root" mode. Navigate to /data/data/de.shapeservices.implusfree/databases.
  • Copy file IMPLUS_DB into /data/data/de.shapeservices.implusfull/databases
  • Now, start Im+ pro, and make sure you accounts are in place. (facebook may need to re-authorise). After that remove IM+lite


PS: I think that IM+ accounts setting export between devices works the same way.